To get you started on your journey to a diverisifed, international manufacturing footprint, we would like to organize a private workshop with you and your team so that you can review with us your possible goals and we can answer any questions you may have.

There are unique opportunities within the German M&A market for Tier 1 and Tier 2 automotive suppliers that are widely untapped by international manufacturers. Restrucutring Alliance now offers a unique and taylor-made program to access these opportunities:

We want you to have options to engage in M&A activities in Germany previously only available to manufactures that were also willing to maintain specific M&A expertise in specialized departments. Restructuring Alliance provides the guidance and structure you need to take the next steps your business needs.

As an initial step we will be working with you on a QuickCheck, to validate your current status with customers, operations and financing abilities to help you determine a target profile for your acquisition of production capabilities in Germany.

Based on the QuickCheck we will then seek out facilities and structure in the German M&A market that suit your requirements. Please click below if you would like more information or if you would like to work with us on a Quick Check review for you acquisition needs

Let’s Talk

We are focused on the needs of the Automotive Supplier and Investor – Experienced and ready to help you take advantage of the unique opportunities that exist today in Germany & Europe.


Managing Director

+49 711 49052282

Restructuring Alliance GmbH
Skyloop Business Center
Flughafenstr. 59
70629 Stuttgart 

T +49 711 49052282

Managing Director: Philip Hertzog
Registry court: Stuttgart 
Commercial register: HRB 770899
VAT-ID:  DE 327 013 303

Person responsible for content pursuant to § 55(2) of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV): Philip Hertzog